Phnom Penh, Cambodia -
The Pearl of Asia

Posted by EUGENE TEH On SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010

A Travelers Impression of the States

Posted by EUGENE TEH On FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 2010

Phnom Penh, Cambodia - The Pearl of Asia

Posted by Eugene Teh On Saturday, July 24, 2010 1 comments
No.1 - A capital without skyscrapers
My frequent backpacks to cities do not allow me to understand how Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, could be classed as a city, much less a capital. My impression on how cities should be filled with skyscrapers shattered at the sight of this city. I've visited a handful of cities, many from developing nations, but never fail to witness at least a couple of tall, high-rise buildings. Not that I'm a big fan of skyscrapers, but Phnom Penh just changed my perspective of how a city, a capital and a country should be like... This will gonna me a very, very interesting trip!

No.2 - Breakaway from the market you once know
For Americans, think market as a one-stop mega marts (Safeway, Walmart) serving all your needs at the comfort of air conditioners. For Chinese, think market as the small provision stall selling grocery very near your home, or the tall and narrow alleys serving you food and snacks only when the sky turns dark. For Singaporeans, think market as either your NTUCs or the slowly-endangering 'wet market' which sells poultry and vegetables. You'll find this totally different when you step foot into the markets in Cambodia -- and that is if you pass the militant armed with an AK-47 rifle guarding the market!

Yes, 'Russian Market' (one of the largest market in Phnom Penh) is guarded with an armed solider! Once you pass the entrance (with no security checks :)), you will be greeted with the huzzle and buzzle of the market. I wonder where it gets its name, because the Russian market offers authentic Cambodian products and food to largely the locals living within the vicinity. It is however interesting to see what they sell - from daily necessities to photos and statues of Buddha to exotic insects such as crickets and scorpions which, in the view of the locals, are delicacies!

Eateries could also be found within the market. Meals are prepared, cooked and served in a unique push-cart vehicle, which comes with a semi-circle table for customers to sit in front of the stall while the hawker prepares the food.

No.3 - Buddhist Temples
Without much recommendation, you may have already known that Buddhist temples are one of the main tourist attractions in Cambodia. Since there are more than enough materials which provide a comprehensive description on the heritage, traditions and customs of the temples, I shall not elaborate more on this. On a side note, you may want to visit the temples either early in the morning or during sunset where you can take more beautiful photos. (:

No.4 - Sunrise along Mekong River
Catching sunrise along Mekong River is like discovering paradise island for any avid traveler. For one who is seeking out for a true, native experience of Cambodia, this is the place to be at. At 6AM every morning, locals gather along the bank of the Mekong River and engage in a wide assortment of activities. You'll witness groups of people dancing to the various genre of Cambodian musics, granddads bringing kids to play, hawkers selling home-made breakfasts in large metallic pots, flocks of pigeons flapping their wings and snatching up seeds sprawled onto the floor by the locals - all happening as the sun rises and sparkles up the water along Mekong River. Come in your sports attire and join the dance! It'll be an experience not to be forgotten.

There are so much more to in Phnom Penh and it's up to you to discover. Do taste the local delicacies (you'll be in for a treat with a mere USD$2), support f.r.i.e.n.d.s - a non-profit organization which adopts child beggars and equip them with skills to make a living, and understand the heritage of Cambodia with your visit to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields.

Let me know how it goes!


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